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دستهبندي مقالات Scopus
زمينههاي پژوهشي
Morteza Esmailnejad
Iran, South Khorasan
Avini-Bul,Birjand,University of Birjand
Currently, I am an Associate Professor of Ghysical Geography- Climatology at the University of Birjand, Iran. My primary research and teaching interests are geo-spatial data, environmental hazards, climate change and adaption I use remote sensing, urban climate, geographic information systems (GIS), and spatial analysis to study environmental and social systems in urban enviroment.
روند مقالات Scopus
روند مقالات Web of Science (ISI)o
روند داوري مقالات Web of Science (ISI)o
روند مقالات Google Scholar
همکاري بينالمللي مقالات Scopus
همکاري بينالمللي مقالات Web of Science (ISI)o